Jumat, 16 Desember 2016

ZenMount Tablet / Mount Camera Review! [KickStarter]

ZenMount Tablet / Mount Camera Review! [KickStarter] -


For those of you looking for a tablet / camera robust and stable ride for your Android tablet or camera / DSLR, definitely check ZenMount. This is currently an article on KickStarter and I have to try one of the first prototypes by James Lin, one of the founders.

This is not the first time I tried a device like this if I have a two Manfrotto Magic Arms, which I use with my camera / DSLR exclusively to my YouTube videos. Well, after trying ZenMount, I am convinced that it is indeed better than the Magic Arm. Equally solid / stable magical as my arm but did not arms! Instead, the ZenMount only comprises a single arm which has the ability to expand. This makes it much better device since you can get the same angles as Magic Arm without the protruding arm in places you do not want, which is the only complaint with my magic weapons.

Ok, so it works well?

Yes, I have a bunch of cheaper shelf supports, they are actually very good for installation if you have not typed. If you really need to use your tablet, they shake like there's no tomorrow. In other words, it is not a viable option for addicts who want regular tablets typing or playing games on it all day. In comparison, ZenMount solves these problems and can also put you in many different ways. Best of all, it is easy to use, you simply get the ZenMount in the angle you want then simply turn the control knob clockwise. After that, everything is locked solid as a rock. In fact, you can even connect your reflex heavy equipment, I am able to ride my Canon 7D with Sigma lens very well, and ZenMount is estimated to contain up to 8 pounds max.

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