Senin, 19 Desember 2016

S5 vs Galaxy Note 4 vs OnePlus One Test Benchmark!

S5 vs Galaxy Note 4 vs OnePlus One Test Benchmark! -


Want to know how fast the Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 processor is the new Samsung Galaxy Note 4?

Well, I did a complete reference test using Quadrant, and Vellamo Antutu. While I thought the Galaxy Note 4 would leave the Galaxy S5 and OnePlus One in the dust, the results are rather surprising

Note 4 a bit better than others on benchmarking Quadrant when he falls behind OnePlus One in Antutu. Remember, all these phones are running 100% stock firmware without overclocking.

The Galaxy S5 and OnePlus One both have a 2.7GHz Qualcomm 805 predecessor, the 2.5Ghz Qualcomm 801. Of course, the performance difference between the two processors are very small, about 10%, but Note 4 should not work better?

Well, our theory is that since the Note 4 does indeed use a quad-HD screen with 2560 × 1440 resolution (which is almost double the amount of pixels), which could be the reason why footnote 4 fails to get better results. In addition, there is the TouchWiz bloatware is really clogging everything against CM 11S firmware OnePlus One, which is a modified version of CyanogenMod ROM.

Whatever the case, the marks are not everything, but if you have a OnePlus One, you should feel really good (try the 38R update that was used in my video)

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