Senin, 19 Desember 2016

How to install LG G3 Keyboard on Any Rooted Android!

How to install LG G3 Keyboard on Any Rooted Android! -

keyboard LG G3 is presented in the Android world as one of the best keyboards you can use as it comes with ability to resize your keyboard (which can be good for the size of the keyboard exactly you want, works well for larger screen phones) and support for Swipe out of the box.

If you have LG G3, you know how the keyboard is G3 and believe me, I think it's actually one of the best features on the LG G3 as I use my G3 as a daily driver and love the keyboard.

But what about if you have another Android smartphone as a OnePlus or perhaps note 3

Thanks to XDA user Hamidibahram, there is an easy way to install LG G3 keyboard on a smartphone or tablet Android rooted.

First, you must root your Android device, see the first Android root

Step 1. First, download the installation G3 Keyboard APK LG

Download: ..

Download LG G3 Keyboard APK file Installation

Then you should be able to rely on the downloaded file to install. If you get errors, try using ES File Explorer from Play Store to install the application.


If you get a security error, simply press the Settings button and enable "Unknown sources" and try again.



Make sure you click "Accept" if you get a Google warning message.


Step 2. Once you have the LG G3 keyboard setup application installed, install the application from the Play Store Busybox.


Step 3. Run the BusyBox application and check that you have busybox installed. If you do not, just press "Install" to install Busybox.


Step 4. Run the LG G3 Keyboard app.


press "OK".


Make sure to hit "Grant" or "Allow" when the Superuser application window appears.


Step 5. You can make a backup of your current keyboard files just in case something goes wrong. If something goes wrong, you can re-run this application and restore key files

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