Selasa, 13 Desember 2016

5 Galaxy Note Unboxing Gone Wrong - Stuck S-Pen

5 Galaxy Note Unboxing Gone Wrong - Stuck S-Pen -


I finally got my hands on the Galaxy Note 5 unboxing and everything, I was testing the S-Pen, which got . stuck

Now this is probably possible to fix by removing (I should have a video) but for now I'm stuck with a brand new phone that has a serious fault.

In previous series of notes, the S-Pen can be inserted in the wrong direction as the head of the S-Pen is too big, but with Note 5, it will cause a lot of long-term problems. I think it is easy to put the S-Pen back if you are not careful to put in a good way. For example, maybe you accidentally put back in a dark room for some reason.

If this happens, return the Samsung or the store you bought it and they should replace free. I hold off on buying a new Galaxy Note 5 until Samsung fixes this problem

UPDATE :. I could dismantle and fix the S-Pen detection sensor:

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