LG has launched its first smartphones as part of the “Make in India” scheme today, having just unveiled its new K7 LTE and K10 LTE in the country. Sporting some cost effective specifications, LG is clearly looking to take on the local manufacturers with these two new handsets, but they might just be a little too bare bones for some.
The LG K10 LTE is the slighter higher-end of the two models, featuring a 5.3-inch 1280 x 720 resolution display and a 1.2GHz quad-core Snapdragon 410 processor. There’s 2GB of RAM, 16GB of internal storage, and a microSD card slot for memory, which will be enough for your day to day tasks. The phone also comes with a 13 megapixel rear camera, 5 megapixel front camera, and a 2,300mAh battery to tie it all together. These specs stack up pretty well with other entry level handsets on the Indian market.
However, the LG K7 LTE’s specifications take a notable hit when compared with its larger brother, although it also costs a little less. The K7 LTE’s display is 5-inches large but has just a 854×480 resolution, which is certainly underwhelming at this size. The phone is powered by a 1.1GHz quad-core Snapdragon 210 processor, paired up with 1.5GB of RAM and 8GB of internal storage with a microSD card option. The handset also comes with 5 megapixel camera on the front and the back, along with a quite small 2,125mAh battery. That said, the low-end specs shouldn’t tax the battery too much.
Both smartphones retain LG’s signature rear volume rockers, boast dual SIM 4G LTE connectivity, and come with Android 5.1 Lollipop installed out of the box. There’s also a 2.5D Arc Glass design, along with Gesture Shot, Tap and Shot, and Gesture Interval shot functions for the photography lovers out there. The handset’s design is pretty nice too, with a textured finish on the back cover and some ergonomic curves.
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