Kamis, 26 Januari 2017

LG Tone + Bluetooth Headset Review Over!

LG Tone + Bluetooth Headset Review Over! -


The LG Tone + Bluetooth wireless headset is a wireless stereo headphones and that allows you to listen to music and talking on your phone easily without any son or being tangled

If you talk a lot on the phone, listen to music all day like me, or maybe you work, you will definitely want to get one of these. My latest bluetooth wireless headset before it was Motorola bluetooth headsets that were really uncomfortable to wear and the battery did not last long, it is still collecting the dust somewhere in my garage. (I hope he dies!)

What I like about the LG Tone + is that you have the freedom to take the headphones when you do not want to use it and it hangs from your neck like a necklace. When you want to use, you can quickly put the earphones in your ear and ready to go. No more fidgeting with headphones tangled in your pocket and wasting your valuable time. Moreover, it is super lightweight and comfortable to wear all day.

The LG Tone + is also great because it comes with call, play / pause and next / buttons precedent that are ergonomically positioned so that you can access easily. No more fidgeting with your smartphone, collect calls, skip to the next song, pause and play easily and quickly.

Hey, I'm not the only one who uses it, I saw more people wear these in real life than other headphones, I'm sure many of you have one of these and swear by it. Last week, the mover who brought a new sofa new my house was the door. Last month, I saw a guy who works in a local shop Smoke wear these. I see as at least one person wearing these once a month and I do not get out much in public. But I've never seen anybody wear other wireless brand headphones in the last 6 months, that says a lot about a product I think

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