Sabtu, 28 Januari 2017

How Android Halloween costumes!

How Android Halloween costumes! -


Every year I always wait until the last minute to get my Halloween costume. Well, this year I did the same thing but on Halloween day (today), I decided to make my Halloween Costume Android

The biggest problem was the fact Android head. Somehow, I had to do a form of elliptical Android head. Looking at some of the Halloween How-to articles online for costumes, I found it very disconcerting that many people used insulation material, paint, and most people have taken hours to do the suit.

I thought that my suit would finish looking bad, but in the end I did get a decent Android Halloween costumes and it took me 15 minutes!

So, for those of you looking to become a Halloween Android (or maybe next year), here's how to make one in 15 minutes

Parts needed :.

hat Construction - $ 7 at Home Depot

1 Big Piece of Green Sheet of thick paper - 69 cents to the Dollar Store

Packaging material or rolled paper -. You probably have some in your home

Duct Green Ribbon - $ 3.69 Home Depot


Total cost = $

Step 1. Fold your paper green then cut an elliptical shape so you'll elliptical shape on both sides.


Step 2. Then use tape to tape your elliptical construction hat.


Step 3. roughly measure the parts you need for the sides and cut them out.



Step 4. Duct Tape the sides to your hand "thingee" elliptical .


Step 5. With the paper remains, cut two sheets and make two antennas for Android head.


Step 6. make 2 holes on top for antennas.


Step 7. Attach the antenna and tape inside it.

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