Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

Resurrection Remix ROM OnePlus One - A better alternative to OS Oxygen

Resurrection Remix ROM OnePlus One - A better alternative to OS Oxygen -


For those of you who were disappointed to oxygen OS, the new operating system following fallout between CyanogenMod and OnePlus, you might consider an alternative to oxygen operating system such as the Resurrection Remix ROM

Heck, they made you root your phone and install the TWRP recovery to install OS oxygen, why not take advantage and actually install the best custom ROM now?

Resurrection Remix ROM is definitely one of the candidates for that, I personally grew up with the ROM over the years (when it was introduced in Galaxy S2 few years back) and the founder of Resurrection Remix ROM Westcrip has been around for many years, which I can attest to.

This ROM is also available for many other Android devices (to check the XDA forums) and OnePlus One is one of the best of them to run as it is nearly flawless all giving you the latest Android 5.1 and a ton of customization options.

Furthermore, using our kit HighOnAndroid Conversion oneplus one, you can also enjoy many OnePlus One of the original features of CM11S such as OnePlus One camera AudioFX app (music equalizer) Screencast app (for recording of the screen), and OnePlus One Hexo theme with OS lacks oxygen.

rather than get angry that you have lost the essential characteristics of OnePlus One with the operating system of oxygen, definitely give the Resurrection Remix ROM a try. Resurrection Remix also offers many performance enhancements on top of Android 5.1 base, you will be able to feel the pure power of Oxygen ROM during installation

Download :.

Download Lollipop update firmware

Download Resurrection Remix for OnePlus One (This is the version I used, but check here for the latest version.)

Download Android 5.1 Gapps (DO NOT USE MORE Gapps YOU WILL CF)

Download conversion Kit HighOnAndroid OnePlus One

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