For those who want to root your OnePlus One (Why root? See Why root Android?) To run embedded applications or want to install a custom ROM, here is a step by -Step tutorial guide you can follow to all Windows, Mac and Linux. Rooting the OnePlus One requires the user to unlock the bootloader. Unlocking bootloader erases everything on your phone, so make a backup of everything, including your personal photos, videos, etc. advance! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!! Does the OnePlus rooting An empty my warranty? Technically yes, but you can Unroot / unbrick completely back to 100% stock so you can always unvoid warranty. So if you have a window, Mac OS X or Linux (like Ubuntu) machine, we'll go ahead and root this bad boy! Before you start, you can also download all the files you need here for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux / Ubuntu: Download:
- Download
- Download ADB Drivers
- Download TWRP or CWM Recovery for OnePlus One
Step 1. First power your OnePlus One, then hold down the Volume Up and power buttons together for about 3 seconds. When you see 'mode fastboot "with CyanogenMod logo, release both buttons.
Next, connect a micro USB cable from your computer to your OnePlus One.
Step 2. Mac or Linux, go to step 3 you will need to install the drivers. In Windows, open the Device Manager (go to Control Panel> Hardware and Sound-> Device Manager ). If you have already installed ADB drivers for other phones like the Nexus 4 or Nexus 5, you can see "Android ADB Interface". If you see that, proceed to step 3. However, if you do not see what you see and "Android" with an exclamation point, follow our video and install the ADB drivers tutorial. Download: Download ADB Drivers
Step 3. Next, you will need the fastboot files. You should not download the entire Android SDK (which can take hours) for this, just download and unzip, you should get a folder named Fastboot with all the files you need for Windows, Mac and Linux. Download: Download Also, you must download the image of TWRP or CWM recovery and put it in the same folder as fastboot. Download: Download TWRP or CWM Recovery for OnePlus One
Step 4. Next, open a command prompt (type "cmd" into the Windows search bar) or a terminal for Mac / Linux. WARNING: This is where we unlock the bootloader on the OnePlus One. By this stage, CLEAR ON YOUR PHONE !!! Then type: For Windows:
cd Download
cd fastboot
fastboot oem unlock
For Mac OSX: cd Download
cd fastboot
chmod 755 *
./ fastboot oem unlock-mac
For Linux / Ubuntu: cd download
cd fastboot
chmod * 755
sudo ./fastboot-linux oem unlock
Step 5. Your phone will restart and reboot couple times. Once restarted, simply log into your account and go to Settings-> About Phone and "development parameters You enabled" hit "Build Number" 5 times until it said.
Step 6. Then press the back button once, you should see a new menu item called "Developer options", press this issue.
And make sure "Update recovery CM" is checked. This is so your phone will not try to reinstall the recovery of the custom stock CWM / TWRP recovery we will install. Moreover, we no longer need a restocking once rooted, CWM recovery / TWRP will manage everything for us.
Step 7. Download and copy the zip file to your SuperSU OnePlus One. Download: Download the zip file SuperSU
Step 8. Turn your phone into fastboot mode as you did in step 1 and connect the micro-USB cable to your OnePlus One.
Step 9. Then type: (You can also copy and paste duh!) For Windows:
fastboot flash openrecovery-TWRP recovery-
fastboot erase cover
For Mac OSX: ./ fastboot flash recovery openrecovery-mac-TWRP-
./ fastboot-mac erase cover
For Linux / Ubuntu: flash TWRP recovery-openrecovery- sudo
sudo ./fastboot-linux clear the cache
also, you can replace the file name "openrecovery-TWRP-2.7. 1.1 -bacon.img "with the recovery image you want to use (for example, the image CWM recovery), but I recommend TWRP recovery because it is more versatile. You can also use Flash Drives OTG with TWRP which can be handy leaving all your great backup ROM separate storage of your phone. Step 10. Disconnect the micro-USB cable as you no longer need. Then, hold Volume Down and Power buttons together.
When reset your phone and you see OnePlus One logo, release both buttons.
Step 11. You should now see TWRP Recovery, choose "Install".
Then browse your store and find the zip SuperSU file you copied earlier and install it.
Step 12. Restart your OnePlus One and you should find SuperSU app. Open the application and if you do not receive any errors, your OnePlus One was completely rooted. Also, it asks you to update the binary files, say "yes."
Step 13. You can install and open an embedded application like Titanium Backup application to verify that you have full root. You should see a Superuser request window. Congratulations! You've rooted your OnePlus One in style "High On Android". Pat yourself on the back and go show all your friends your OnePlus is better than their phone.
Q & A Q: I have a question! A: Please post your questions below in the comment box. Q: How can I thank you for your tutorial? A: I do not take donations but if you could PLEASE subscribe to my YouTube channel Zedomax, which would greatly help me and thank you! Credits -. + Chainfire for awesome SuperSU, XDA user Acer73 for CWM and TWRP Philz for TWRP Recovery
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