Minggu, 13 November 2016

How to edit RAW images on Android! [Lightroom App]

How to edit RAW images on Android! [Lightroom App] -


For those who bought a new smartphone or possess with RAW image capabilities (LG G4, with Galaxy S6 Android 5.1.1, Nexus 5/6), you might want to know that you can do much more with RAW images then (JPG) standard JPEG image files.

So what is the difference between RAW and JPEG?

RAW images contain all the raw information from the sensor of your smartphone's camera. In fact, all smartphones process RAW images and convert them to JPEG. In other words, your smartphone is adjusting sharpness as adding, contrast, saturation and other things to give you a final JPEG image. Now some smartphones like the LG Nexus 6 and G4 allow the user to store RAW image files

The RAW image files are 5-6 times greater than normal JPEG files, but they contain all the original information about your photo, allowing you to twist easily. From the naked eye, the JPEG image may look better than RAW image files. Indeed, a JPEG image is a processed image as RAW images are essentially 'raw' as the name suggests.

Think of it this way back when digital cameras are not, you could take your film and develop the pictures of him. The film is like the RAW files in JPEG pictures are developed. With RAW files, you can easily edit / post-process them to make multiple versions of the same photo without losing the details of your photo. You can also do this with JPEGs, but since you do not have much information, your photo will be too easily degrade settings.

Why shoot in RAW?

RAW images allow you to get the perfect shot on the spot. Of course, no post-processing RAW images can seem dull and perhaps worse than the JPEG versions. But there are a million reasons to shoot RAW. For example, say you have taken a picture of your daughter graduated from college and you took the photo in the sun, making your subject / daughter very dark look. With a RAW picture, you will easily be able to show the shadows, increase exposure, and even add some saturation / vibrance to make the photo look great, as even if you used a flash. With a photo JPEG, you will be able to change it, but can end up with a degraded picture that seems not detailed. In other words, with RAW image files, you will be able to maximize the quality of your photos.

So how do I edit RAW images?

This is probably the part comprises unless you're already a photographer. My best advice is to actually use desktop software like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom to edit your RAW files as they are very large files and much easier to edit on a big screen to see the details. But you can use Lightroom App for Android, which comes with most of the settings you need to tweak your photos. As shown in the video tutorial, you can easily make your awesome photos (or perhaps even add an HDR-like effect) from RAW images while JPEGs not so much.

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