Jumat, 03 Februari 2017

Huawei Mate 8 vs Galaxy Note 5 Comparison Camera!

Huawei Mate 8 vs Galaxy Note 5 Comparison Camera! -


In this comparison, we will compare Huawei Mate 8 from the Galaxy Note 5 cameras. Since Galaxy Note 5 is one of the best cameras on a smartphone, I thought it would be a good test. For the test location, I chose my local beach near sunset from little light is where you can really make the difference between cameras.

For backup camera, camera Mate 8 does pretty well in most situations with a slightly larger angle Note 5. I felt like Mate 8 lacked dynamic range, sharpness / detail and colors from the note 5. This result was the same for photos and videos. Overall, Note 5 did a little better in the processing of raw photos and videos look much sharper with details. 8 mate however did much better video stabilization. Now, for this test I only used 1080P for smartphones but since Note 5 is also 4K note 5 will definitely come on top if I took 4K video, and reduces up to 1080P, another advantage of having the 4K mode. I firmly believe Huawei Mate 8 is capable of recording 4K video, hope they add a software update. But for now, note 5 wins clearly all better pictures / videos least stabilization

In front camera, 8 Mate ousted Note 5 with pretty amazing results. I really dig the selfies taken with Mate 8 you get good depth of field (background blur), while Note 5 gives you simply pictures all in focus. It also proved the same for the video camera before. Mate 8 wins for clearer, brighter pictures / videos to the front camera. If you use your front camera more often than the rear camera Mate 8 perhaps could be a good choice

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