Senin, 09 Januari 2017

How to install and ROOT Oxygen OS ROM on OnePlus One!

How to install and ROOT Oxygen OS ROM on OnePlus One! -


For those who want to install the new operating oxygen system on the smartphone OnePlus One Android, you must first to root your phone

To root your OnePlus One, follow our guide on how to root OnePlus One first and then come back to this tutorial

To install the oxygen operating system ROM, simply download the ROM and install the ROM using TWRP as shown in our video tutorial. This is in fact identical to our TWRP foolproof installation guide.

Download Oxygen OS ROM OnePlus One

For rooting OS Oxygen ROM, simply download the zip file and install SuperSU with TWRP as shown in the video tutorial.

Download the zip file SuperSU

Although this is the first version of Oxygen ROM operating system, honestly, it's a bit disappointing because you'll lose a lot of your OnePlus a original features like 4K video recording, no AudioFX application and themes lockscreen /. On top of that, you get Android 5.0.2, which is already old.

I think there's a ton more better custom ROMs out there at the moment and the operating system of oxygen ROM does not live up to hype. Heck, I was running already CM12.1 with Android 5.1 there 2 weeks, which is probably a better way to go as you can also get 4K recording, AudioFX app, and OnePlus One theme (for theme, our flash kit OnePlus One conversion TWRP)

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