Selasa, 27 Desember 2016

Note Edge Wallet Flip Case Official Unboxing & Review!

Note Edge Wallet Flip Case Official Unboxing & Review! -


After using my Galaxy Note Edge with a regular event for about a month, I realize that even if the screen board is really cool and useful, it is not as useful without the use of a flip case, which allows the use of the onboard screen when the screen is off.

I finally got my note of edge cases Flip Wallet (yes this is the official Samsung) and boy, did my board note 10 times better.

So what does he do?

Without the Flip, the entire display turns on notifications. With the case, only the Edge Note rotates screen, saving you the hassle of unlocking the phone, wasting the battery from the main screen (as the screen is the main battery drain component of the phone), and even allows you to read your SMS / Twitter / Facebook / Google + notifications without opening your main screen.

Furthermore, you can easily answer calls without ever opening your phone that you can take phone calls there from the onboard screen. Other shortcuts include fast access to your flashlight, timer, audio recording, rule, and more. If you listen to your favorite music or using Pandora, you can easily pause or skip to the next track using the onboard screen, all without using the power of your main screen (and yes, it is useful when you are on public transport for sheezy).

I remember when Samsung announced this flexible screen phone (they were in fact an Edge type of phone back in CES 2012) and now I'm finally make real use of it and the door -monnaie flip case. Without this case the Edge rating is not really an advantage note, just a note 4 with a larger screen. With the case, you can finally enjoy everything about the phone the way it was designed. And of course, if $ 40 is too much for such a case, I would expect a little more around as 3rd party case makers should have similar products soon.

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