Kamis, 29 Desember 2016

Invite oneplus one and Galaxy S4 Giveaway Winner active!

Invite oneplus one and Galaxy S4 Giveaway Winner active! -


Yey, it's time to announce the winner of our Galaxy S4 Active Giveaway! Congratulations to the winner, who will receive the Galaxy S4 Active and HighOnAndroid T-shirts next week!

In addition, we will be giving away invites oneplus one randomly on our YouTube channel, Google+, Twitter and Facebook. So just stay tuned and you will have a chance to win an invite oneplus one

We also have another gift next week, so stay tuned and HIGH on Android !!!

If you have additional invitations oneplus one, please send them to: zedomax@gmail.com so we can send them to people on top of super Android thx

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