Kamis, 22 Desember 2016

Huawei P9 Unboxing! [Amazing Leica Technology]

Huawei P9 Unboxing! [Amazing Leica Technology] -


I'm always looking for the best smartphone with the best camera that is something I'm really looking. Well, the P9 Huawei has just released not too long and I could finally try his new Leica camera technology.

The Huawei P9 uses two cameras, one RGB and one monochrome and merge two photos (supposedly) to give you a more detailed picture. On top of that, you get a special mode that allows you to change the aperture while taking the photo to give you more shallow depth of field as a DSLR camera

Regarding specifications, Huawei P9 comes with an LCD 1080P IPS 5.2 inches along with the latest Kirin 955 Huawei processor for sensor rear fingerprints, microSD card slot and USB Type C. now, the focus on this phone is certainly his Leica camera technology and the boy, he really impressed me during my unboxing. Now the opening command does not work very well unless you shoot close-up objects less than 10 feet, I discovered after I did my video unboxing. Yet if this technology could be improved, the P9 Huawei could be a smartphone with a killer camera.

I should have a full review of this device, but in the meantime, it is certainly one of the most interesting Android smartphones this year I tried

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