Minggu, 25 Desember 2016

How to Fix Error Nexus 6 Firmware! - "Could not allocate 1778070480 bytes"

How to Fix Error Nexus 6 Firmware! - "Could not allocate 1778070480 bytes" -

could not allocate 1778070480 bytes

Are you getting "could not allocate 1778070480 bytes" while flashing the latest Android 5.1 firmware or other versions?

Indeed, the latest Android 5.1 firmware is the system image that is too large for regular fastboot handle with

To solve this problem, just download mfastboot.zip, unpack and place the files in the fastboot folder. then replace lines in our upgrade guide:

For Widows:
system.img flash mfastboot system

For Mac OSX:

./ mfastboot-mac system.img flash system

for Linux / Ubuntu:
system.img sudo ./mfastboot-linux flash system

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